We work on customized solutions with formulas to build smart cities with a Monument in place.
this is the working process
Whether you need us to design a villa, building, monument, or master plan,
it all starts with a vision of attracting traffic and a footfall towards a concept.
is our secret recipe for your investment.
We look at your approvals after we have crunched the numbers so you see the value to your project before its created in reality.
Budget Planning
We reverse plan the budgets for you so that we work according to your budgets prior to locking into the final number. We leave a room margin from eight to ten percent in case you are left with last minute surprises or additional works to upgrade your project. Safety in numbers is a priority we look at.
Finally, we move on to get the best architects on board for the plans needed to start your construction as the last of your steps. From the foundation to the handover of keys, we can monitor your project until the handover with your construction company or our recommendation, the choice is yours.

about our company
EG Concepts – Work on concepts that add value to their placement.
We look at the feasibility options to generate funds or investors for a project, phase by phase.
Our motto is to get the main monument, no matter the investment, free of cost in the end with a smart city or advise you on other options.
Our standing formula example is short and sweet:
Burj Khalifa and the city around it, which is worth a Trillion.
Just do the math and prove us wrong otherwise.
Winning formulas are made with amicable teamwork of specialists on board.
meet our team of experts
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– 2019 Archie Expo
– Goldman Gallery
– Vista Tomorrow ‘09
– 2017 Modern Daily
– 10th Annual Regarda
– Hamilton Showcase
– Imminent Plaza
– 2nd place, Tokyo
– 1st jury prize, NYCA
– 2018 Riviera Aw.
– NYC’s Most Wanted
– Fresh Faces, Ammi